GRAHAM supports campaign to encourage female construction careers

GRAHAM has teamed up with training provider TIGERS to help deliver an event encouraging young women to consider careers in construction.

The event, which was held at the TIGERS Skills Training Academy, encompassed live demonstrations of work tasks and opportunities for students from schools across Glasgow to speak to employers and apprentices from the construction industry one-on-one.

GRAHAM supports campaign to encourage female construction careers

(from left) Teena Pookayi and Sameet Khan from Boclair Academy with research assistants Katie McGregor and Amy McBride and community benefit advisor Suzanne Stevenson

Katie McGregor, sustainability manager, Amy McBride, research assistant and Suzanne Stevenson, community benefit advisor at GRAHAM attended the event.

They spoke to school and college pupils from across Glasgow to highlight career possibilities in the construction industry.

Katie McGregor said: “It is important young people are made aware of the many varied pathways into employment which the construction industry can offer.

“The GRAHAM staff who attended this event are excellent examples of the careers available in different facets of the construction industry, and it was fantastic to meet and engage with young people who are considering construction as a pathway for their future.”

TIGERS has a vision for a fair and inclusive world that provides equal opportunities for all individuals, families and communities, putting relationships at the heart of delivery and practice. It offers pre-employment training, apprenticeships and professional development courses for a variety of sectors, including the Construction sector.

Stephen Manclark, skills training academy manager at TIGERS, said: “TIGERS are committed to supporting people to develop their infinite potential. As such, we must remove barriers that exist when helping people get started in their chosen career.

“The Females into Construction event was a fantastic way to ignite the appetite young women have to enter the industry, and for them to hear about career opportunities from our partner employees.

“It was great to have GRAHAM there to share their vision for the construction industry to become truly inclusive. Our visitors had an inspiring day.”

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