Greater Easterhouse Strategic Development Framework considered

Greater Easterhouse Strategic Development Framework considered

The final draft of the Greater Easterhouse Strategic Development Framework (SDF) has been considered by a Glasgow City Council committee.

The Greater Easterhouse SDF sets out a spatial vision for the area - which has 16 residential areas - and directs investment and development. To help deliver this vision, there is an action programme which would be realised by council officers working in partnership with local stakeholders to align phasing, financing and infrastructure investment.

There are five other SDFs in Glasgow: for the City Centre, Govan-Partick, the Inner East, North Glasgow and the River Clyde.

This SDF will guide initiatives such as the Seven Lochs Wetland Park Project, the Liveable Neighbourhoods programme and housing delivery in Greater Easterhouse. The SDF sets out the following vision and key outcomes for the area:

Vision: The residents of Greater Easterhouse will achieve prosperity and a sense of well-being through inclusive economic growth and sustainable development.

Key Outcomes:

  • A vibrant Greater Easterhouse: To develop Greater Easterhouse as a vibrant place that is an attractive destination for local people and supports economic, social and health benefits by 2025.
  • A sustainable Greater Easterhouse: To become a more engaged, liveable, inclusive and distinctive place by 2025.
  • A connected Greater Easterhouse: To have a well-connected Greater Easterhouse where people, places, and communities are linked by safe and pleasant routes for walking and cycling, and good public transport by 2025.
  • A green and resilient Greater Easterhouse: By 2050 Greater Easterhouse will have an integrated, high-quality green, blue and grey infrastructure network that helps deliver climate change adaptation, protects and enhances biodiversity, facilitate the shift to net zero carbon and promotes health and wellbeing.

The draft Greater Easterhouse SDF was informed by public consultation, with some of the issues raised through this including the provision of play areas, active travel and public transport.

Approval for the draft SDF will now be sought from the council’s City Administration Committee, and if this is given, the council will notify the Scottish Government prior to adoption of the Greater Easterhouse SDF as supplementary guidance to the Glasgow City Development Plan. The Glasgow City Development Plan informs all planning and land use decisions in Glasgow, providing spatial strategy for development and regeneration across the city with the aims of creating a healthy, high-quality place and a compact city form that supports sustainable development.

The draft SDF can be found here

Councillor Ruairi Kelly, convener for neighbourhood assets and services at Glasgow City Council, said: “This Framework will help to not only continue the recent development and regeneration of Greater Easterhouse, but also guide future work and projects to drive the best use of land for the area. By using the Framework at local and very local levels, the council and our partners will work together to deliver the vision for Greater Easterhouse as a more vibrant, sustainable, connected and resilient place.”

An annual report on the Greater Easterhouse SDF will be presented to a council committee to provide an update on progress.

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