Green light for 3,000 homes on site of disused Edinburgh runway

Green light for 3,000 homes on site of disused Edinburgh runway

A proposed development promising 3,000 new homes on the site of Edinburgh Airport’s disused runway has received outline planning permission from the City of Edinburgh Council.

Spearheaded by Crosswind Developments, the site is also set to feature 500,000 sq ft of commercial space as well as hotels. Importantly, around half of the land will be protected for high-quality green space.

The ‘Elements Edinburgh’ development, which will also support 4,500 jobs, will transform a 29-hectare disused brownfield site, providing high-quality, affordable and energy-efficient homes at a time of acute housing need for the city. The site also provides crucial infrastructure, including a new primary school.

Members of the council’s planning committee responded positively to Crosswind’s application for planning in principle. Councillor Amy McNeese-Mechan said the proposals demonstrated “well thought out principles of placemaking” while Councillor Neil Gardiner said it “takes traditional Edinburgh… a high-density city with good open spaces… into the 21st century”.

Green light for 3,000 homes on site of disused Edinburgh runway

Councillor Tim Jones added: “We desperately need more homes and you’re providing them. A lot of thought and hard work has gone into this application.”

While Councillor Joanna Mowat agreed that the application “ticks all our boxes” and noted “it’s nice when the developers make it easy for us”.

The decision follows the recent approval of the adjacent ‘West Town’ development, which is expected to deliver 7,000 homes on a neighbouring site. The two developments combined will see 10,000 new homes built.

The approval of Elements under the newly adopted City Plan 2030 is seen by developers as a milestone moment with the sites keystone position effectively unlocking the west of the city, allowing a wave of new housing and infrastructure projects to come to fruition in Scotland’s capital city.

The new homes will be built to the highest environmental building standards, linked to the local heat network, and will aim for zero household CO2 emissions – helping Edinburgh meet its environmental targets. The Elements site will also be designed as a car-lite, 20-minute neighbourhood, promoting active travel with over 9km of walking and cycling routes.

Green light for 3,000 homes on site of disused Edinburgh runway

John Watson, chief executive of Crosswind Developments, said: “After many years working with the local government and our neighbours, this approval marks a critical moment for West Edinburgh, and the city more widely, allowing us all to take the next step towards delivering new homes the city so desperately needs.

“The Elements site is central to the wider vision for West Edinburgh. Aside from delivering 3,000 new homes, the site will also provide key transport links, green space and a primary school which will help ensure these major housing developments also become a thriving community.

“Crosswind and other developers have been working for many years to get to this stage and it is essential that we continue to work in collaboration with each other – and a wide range of other private and public stakeholders – to deliver a decade and more of exciting development in the west of Edinburgh. Today’s decision marks the beginning of a new chapter which will see plans for the Elements site become a reality, transforming Edinburgh and creating new homes for its people.”

Mr Watson added: “It’s at times like these when we can appreciate that we have supportive, world-class infrastructure investors backing us and to understand that their patience and dedication has been essential in allowing us to get to this stage. Without the right inward investors supporting Scotland, projects of this scale cannot move forward.”

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