Green light for Lochgelly care home and affordable housing

Plans for a new 24-bed care home and 20 affordable homes in Lochgelly have been granted planning permission.
About this development:
- Authority:Fife
- Type:Healthcare, Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Robertson Homes (developer)
Robertson Homes, in partnership with Fife Council, will develop the former Jenny Gray care home site on Melville Street.
The land, which is owned by the council, has been vacant since the care home and other buildings were demolished in 2018.
The development will consist of single and two-storey homes with private gardens. The care home will also be built over two storeys.
A statement from the developer with the application to Fife Council said: “The vision for this new residential development at Jenny Gray House is to provide an attractive housing development for a new two-storey, 24-bedroom residential extra care facility, along with new affordable homes, which positively responds to its local setting.”
Lea McLelland, a councillor for the area, has welcomed news of the plans being approved.
She said: “This site will provide the two things that Fife is desperate for – affordable homes and care for the elderly and vulnerable. The site is an ideal setting for both, just a short walk from Lochgelly.”
It is thought building work will get underway later this year.