Green light for new homes at fire-hit former school in Kirkcaldy
Edinburgh-based developer Whiteburn has secured detailed planning consent from Fife Council for a development for 73 new two, three and four-bedroom homes in the grounds of the former Viewforth High School in Kirkcaldy.
About this development:
- Authority:Fife
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:

A Section 75 legal agreement with Fife Council will see community contributions by the developer to build 15 affordable homes for Kingdom Housing Association, which will provide a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties for rent on the Loughborough Road site.
Whiteburn will also make a financial contribution towards education to provide for the temporary expansion of Sinclairtown Primary School until a new school is built as part of the Local Development Plan.
The main C-listed school building was officially de-listed by Historic Environment Scotland in January following a fire last year, and no longer forms part of the development site which now only focuses on the B-listed stables and washroom building.
But Whiteburn wants to create a future for the building and expects to submit another application to develop that section of the site soon.
Roger Bainbridge, director of design and delivery for Whiteburn Projects, added: “Our timescales for this project have been impacted by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, but we are delighted to have finally presented our proposals to the planning committee at Fife Council and for them to have granted planning consent.
“Working with our architects LBA and following some helpful feedback from various members of the local community as part of our public consultation events, our development design will transform the grounds of the former Viewforth High School in Kirkcaldy.
“Importantly, it is hoped that some features from the former C listed school building, which was victim of arson in August 2020, can still form part of our vision for the development. We will work with Fife Council to submit a planning application for new homes in this area of the development as part of our masterplan for the overall regeneration of the site.”
Managing director Eve McCurrich believes that Whiteburn’s emphasis on place making and regeneration will capitalise on the fantastic location of Viewforth and create uplifting new homes for people to live within this established neighbourhood.
She added: “Our key objective is to breathe new life into this part of Kirkcaldy and to create a great place for people to live. Our planning consent is a real milestone for this development, and our Section 75 commitments will have a direct and positive impact in the local community.
“We are excited to finally be in a position to begin making our plans to transform the site, and we expect to begin pre-construction works within the next few months. We will now move forward with our tendering processes, and I would be keen to hear from any local suppliers and subcontractors who would like to work on our Viewforth development.”
Whiteburn Projects is a member of the Considerate Constructor Scheme and is fully committed to a programme of engagement with local communities and key stakeholders throughout the lifetime of its developments. Its programme of community engagement for the Viewforth High School development has included discussions with Fife Council regarding a range of Section 75 community benefits, as well as two public consultation events.