Guild Homes loses appeal for £50m expansion of Strathmore Fields development

Forfar builder Guild Homes has lost a bid for a £50 million expansion of its 245-home development at Strathmore Fields near Forfar Community Campus.
Guild Homes challenged Angus Council’s non-determination of its application for the development. However, a Scottish Government reporter has dismissed the company’s appeal for the Garth Farm site.
The development would more than double the size of the development by building on fields towards the Forfar bypass. The firm submitted plans with the council in 2021 arguing the site was a natural extension of the current development which is nearing completion.
The application was considered by Scottish Government reporter Keith Bray who has rejected the company’s appeal and refused to approve the plans, The Courier reports.
Guild Homes has suggested that it will be submitting a renewed application to address the Reporter’s reasons for refusal.
The site is not zoned for housing in the current Angus development plan. Guild Homes pointed to a shortfall in housing land supply in west Angus.
The Reporter said there was “no doubt” the proposal would make a sizeable contribution to addressing that. However, he described the shortfall across the whole Angus Council area as “very small”.
He said: “When considered cumulatively, the number and nature of the shortcomings of the proposal, together with the resultant conflicts with development plan policy significantly and demonstrably outweigh the need to address a shortfall in effective housing land in the housing market area.
“In my view, due to the long-term negative impacts, the planning balance weighs against the proposal and it should not be viewed as a sustainable proposal in overall terms.”
Guild Homes said that it remains “fully committed” to the Turfbeg West site. It added: “We are very disappointed our appeal has been dismissed and are considering all our options in relation to it.”