Guild Homes seeks to reduce affordable housing contribution

Housebuilder Guild Homes is seeking to overturn a ‘disproportionate’ financial contribution on one of its latest projects.
The firm is appealing to the Scottish Government to reduce how much Angus Council is asking it to play towards cheaper homes at development on land south of Gardyne Street in Friockheim.
The housebuilder has said the council is seeking ‘unresponsible’ funds towards affordable housing from private developers.
The Friockheim development was approved on the condition that 20% of the homes were affordable.
When social landlord interest in the site failed to materialise, Guild Homes came to an agreement with Angus Council to make a contribution to the cost of building those homes in future instead, however, the two did not agree on an exact amount.
Last year, the firm attempted to cut the £412,000 contribution the council was seeking, claiming it was excessive and above market value.
However, Guild Homes’ bid to reduce this to £216,000 was refused by council planners, The Courier reports.
Guild Homes has now lodged a case with the Scottish Government’s planning appeals department in order to have the refusal overturned, arguing that the council has ‘artificially inflated’ the sum.
Angus Council has until January 21 to submit its response to Guild’s claims.