Hearing on Edinburgh children’s hospital project continues

The Scottish Hospitals Inquiry will resume next week with a focus on various stages of the project to construct the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and the Department of Clinical Neurosciences in Edinburgh.
Starting on April 25, the Inquiry will be examining a number of topics at this hearing including how the specification of the ventilation system was developed, the level of detail contained in that specification and how NHS Lothian communicated technical requirements for the ventilation system to prospective tenderers.
The Inquiry will also be looking at how this specification was further developed and what the understanding of it was at different stages of the procurement exercise leading to the appointment of the preferred bidder.
Witnesses will be questioned on various aspects of the period up to financial close, and key terms of the contract and the specification for the ventilation system will be examined. Governance throughout the period of the procurement exercise to financial close will also be looked at, among other matters.
The Inquiry published Provisional Position Papers on the above topics. These have informed the areas that need further clarification from witnesses at the hearing and have informed the development of the list of topics.
The hearing will run from 25 April to 09 May and the details of the programme; which includes the names of the witnesses and when they are scheduled to appear, can be found on the hearings page.
The public hearing will be streamed live on YouTube.