Housebuilders must pay for new GP surgeries, say Edinburgh MSPs
Edinburgh politicians have entered the debate on whether planners should consider the impact of major housing developments on GP services by suggesting that housebuilders should pay for new doctor surgeries.
Last week the Royal College of General Practitioners Scotland (RCGP Scotland) said that local planners should have an obligation to ensure “the continuation of the safe provision of healthcare” when deciding on housing applications. Failing to factor in the impact of new homes on GP services could undermine patient care and leave practices unable to cope, the college said.
In response, Homes for Scotland argued that Scotland’s growing population, and not the construction of much needed new homes, is pressurising the capacity of GP surgeries and called for a joined-up approach to ensuring that Scotland has enough of the homes and necessary facilities required.
With major housebuilding plans in the pipeline for the capital, Edinburgh Western Liberal Democrat MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton has called for a change in planning law to require developers to pay for new GP surgeries in under-pressure areas.
He wants councillors to be able to insist on new medical centres as a condition of developments going ahead, just as they can already require a new school or changes to roads.
Mr Cole-Hamilton told the Edinburgh Evening News: “There is a national shortage of GPs, but the main problem in West Edinburgh is the pressure on existing surgeries, which cannot recruit because although Edinburgh is a prime choice for GPs, no-one wants to work in a practice that’s on its knees. They want a sustainable level of work.
“If you could spread the load by building new surgeries in the new developments, we could relieve the pressure across the whole area and make jobs in existing surgeries more attractive.”
NHS Lothian recently warned that the lack of family doctors meant half of all GP practices in Edinburgh could soon be turning away new patients.
Dr Martin Williams, a GP in the west of Edinburgh, said: “There is no legal requirement for the council to consult with the health board about planning permission, so what has happened over 50 years is that planning decisions have been made and the health board has to tidy up the mess.
“The council has responsibility for providing education, drainage and roads, but not to plan medical services for the new incoming community.”
He said one full-time GP was needed for every 1700 people, adding that most Edinburgh practices were now at saturation point.
“The practices on the edge of the city, where these new developments are planned, will just not be able to cope,” the doctor added.
Lothian Conservative MSP Miles Briggs and Edinburgh South Labour MP Ian Murray have now backed Mr Cole-Hamilton’s call for action to ensure adequate medical provision.
Mr Briggs said: “It’s a good suggestion. It’s high time we did start planning services ahead of people turning up and living in an area – that’s how you have happy, healthy communities. Otherwise people find themselves living somewhere where they can’t get to see a GP.”
Mr Murray added: “It’s a good idea. We need to ensure proper provision of public services everywhere.
“The entire planning system needs updated. The whole Local Development Plan process has been a disaster.”
In the last few weeks plans have been submitted to build more than 1,300 homes at New Brunstane while a proposal has been approved for the construction of more than 2,000 new homes at Edinburgh Marina. The City of Edinburgh Council also wants to build at least 16,000 more affordable and low cost homes over the next ten years.