Housing association completes major housing development in Oban

Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) has just completed its 107 new homes development at Glenshellach in Oban.

Housing association completes major housing development in Oban

The last houses handed over in ACHA’s new build development at Glenshellach

The seven-year project completed in five phases has a mixture of flats, semi-detached, detached and terraced houses to meet a variety of different needs, including large mainstream family accommodation and housing for special needs and amenity housing.

The development cost just over £15 million and was delivered through a funding partnership of the Scottish Government, Argyll and Bute Council and ACHA. The development was scheduled to be completed at the end of March this year but has been delayed until now due to lockdown related to COVID-19.

Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, commented: “We are delighted to get over the finishing line with the last 12 properties in our Glenshellach new build completed. It has been a struggle getting there but we would like to thank everyone who pulled together to get the houses ready and to get our new tenants in.

“This has been ACHA’s biggest new build development in Oban and it adds to our housing stock in the town in a way which meets a variety of different needs.”

The new build was completed by MacLeod Construction of Lochgilphead and at any one time, 70 tradesmen were employed on the project over its seven-year duration.

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