Housing association invests in local economy with Duns development
The final phase of Berwickshire Housing Association’s new Todlaw development in Duns has now been completed creating another 27 affordable energy-efficient homes.

BHA tenant Anita Green receives the keys to her new home at Millar Court in Duns from housing officer Katie Cockburn and also flowers from development manager Colin Young
Millar Court, Station Crescent and Station Drive make up the last phase of the project which has provided a total of 87 new homes including a diverse mix of shared equity, wheelchair bungalows, respite bungalows, general needs and supported accommodation.
The homes have been developed in partnership with Scottish Borders Council and the Scottish Government and contribute to the More Homes Better Homes new housing delivery.
This latest phase, built by Hart Builders (Edinburgh) Ltd, is made up of 11 flats and 16 houses. These include eight three-bedroom houses, eight two-bedroom houses and 11 one-bedroom flats – one of which is fully accessible.
All the homes are designed with level entrance paths and wider internal doors making them accessible for wheelchair users to visit and all have energy-efficient gas heating which meets the ‘Gold Standard’ for energy performance.
All houses have PV panels and those within curtilage parking have ducts for future installation of car charging points.
Included in this latest phase is an area of meadowlands ground where BHA is creating a community garden for the households in the area.
BHA is working in partnership with Abundant Borders, a community organisation which aims to ensure everyone has access to healthy nutritious food. The community garden will provide the opportunity to do this by encouraging people to grow fruit and vegetables.
Hart Builders have supported the local economy through the use of many Borders companies as sub-contractors on the Todlaw development including: A.S. Crawford Groundworks Ltd (groundworks), Linden Lea Landscaping, Scott and Foggon (electrical and photovoltaics), Blacklock and Douglas (roughcasting and plasterwork), Teviotdale Plumbing and Heating (plumbing), Ray Sutherland Roofing Contractors Ltd (roof coverings), John Laidlaw and Son (scaffolding), W.R. Patterson (painting), John Thorburn and Sons (crane hire), Redpath Tool Hire Ltd (plant hire), Pearson’s of Duns Ltd (materials), Redpath Tyres, M.H. Fencing Ltd, E.L. Roadsweepers Ltd, Ross Cleaners, Morrison and Murray.
Angela Taylor, BHA’s properties director, said: “BHA is proud to have completed another 27 much needed affordable homes which people can enjoy living in. They have been built to a high quality and sit within an established community in Duns and which BHA will further enhance with the community garden.”
Andy Mallice, managing director of Hart Builders, added: “Hart Builders is delighted to have completed this development, working in partnership with Berwickshire Housing Association, to build 27 new homes. This final phase provides a mix of 11 flats and 16 houses, each designed with accessibility in mind with wider internal doors and ground floor flats featuring level access showers.
“Hart Builders, as part of the Cruden Group, ensures that all developments support the local community, and we were particularly pleased on this development to support businesses in the area by choosing to work with local contractors.”