Housing association looks to acquire former Glasgow care home
The former Davislea care home
Glasgow City Council has approved in principle the recommencement of negotiations on the off-market disposal of the former Davislea care home in Drumoyne to Linthouse Housing Association.
Subject to the site proving viable after a feasibility study is carried out, the disposal will allow new affordable homes to be built there, with grant funding from the council’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme.
The 1.84 acres site at 100 Mallaig Road, adjacent to Mallaig Road Day Care Centre, was declared surplus in 2019. It is one of 23 sites in Glasgow that has been recommended for disposal to registered social landlords in the city
A condition of the negotiations between the council and Linthouse Housing Association is that the land will only be utilised for the proposed use - the building of new affordable housing - and overage clauses will be included to protect the council’s interest if the use is to change in the future.
Negotiations on the sale of the former care home had been paused while consideration was given to a joint or alternative use for the site. Once terms and conditions are agreed, final committee consideration and approval on the site sale will be sought.
Councillor Ruairi Kelly, convener for neighbourhood services and assets at Glasgow City Council, said: “The potential development of this site in Drumoyne is another example of the council’s commitment to working in partnership with the city’s social landlords to driving the building of more affordable homes in Glasgow. Negotiations with Linthouse Association will now continue.”