Housing association secures £11m of funding for affordable homes in the Borders
Eildon Housing has secured more than £11 million of affordable housing grant thanks to its ongoing partnership working with the Scottish Government’s More Homes Division and Scottish Borders Council.

22 homes at Tweedbridge Court in Peebles
The grant will help fund the development of 134 new homes across six sites in the Scottish Borders with a total investment of just under £25m.
More than half of the homes will be delivered by March 2021 with the remaining in 2022. The developments form part of Eildon’s commitment to deliver 750 new homes in the Borders by the end of March 2021.

A further £1.2m has also been secured to build another 69 homes over the coming years.
Chief executive Nile Istephan said: “This ongoing investment illustrates the commitment Eildon has to deliver inclusive growth across the Scottish Borders. This is a clear illustration of the effective partnership work with the Scottish Borders Council and the Scottish Government.”