Housing association secures permission for 57 new homes in Chirnside
Eildon Housing has secured permission from Scottish Borders Council’s executive committee to build a new development of 57 high quality homes in Chirnside.

The development is the final step in the planning of this new development which is part of Eildon’s strategy which has seen investment over the last five years of in excess of £120 million in the Borders economy, with plans currently being put in place for a further ambitious new build programme of a similar scale over the next five years.
Nile Istephan, CEO at Eildon Housing, said: “The 57 new homes at Chirnside form a key part of Eildon’s development programme to deliver a record-breaking expansion of housing and care services for our communities in the Scottish Borders. This is a fantastic opportunity to help the local economy thrive, using local contractors and services.
“We have also been working collaboratively with Springfield Properties and the local landowner to allow for the expansion of the community allotments and promote biodiversity which we are very keen to support.”
The site for the high-quality new homes, is located north of Main Street, Chirnside, and is currently underway with the groundworks for the 2, 3, & 4 bedroom homes for affordable rent.
The homes are expected to be ready in Spring 2023 for new tenants.