Inverness favours wheeling, walking and cycling with Academy Street redesign

A public consultation is to continue on a new design development for Academy Street in Inverness.
‘Option B’ will see the redesign of Academy Street in favour of walking, wheeling and cycling with £800k Scottish Government’s ‘Places for Everyone Programme’ funding which has been secured by Highland Council.
The design will see:
- footpaths widened to their maximum possible width,
- pedestrian crossing facilities increased along the length of street;
- motorised vehicle access restricted to deliveries, public transport and blue-badge holders to minimise the through traffic allowed to pass through the city centre.
- re-signage of alternative traffic routes and available parking opportunities to access the city centre.
- enhanced restrictions on surrounding residential areas whilst encouraging motorists to make better route choices on arterial and circulatory routes.
Leader of Inverness and Area Cllr Ian Brown said: “The City of Inverness Area Committee has agreed that Council Officers can continue public consultation on the preferred development Option B including the detail of any required traffic orders.
“The proposals aim to ensure the best opportunity for Highland Council to attract external construction funding and promote an ambitious vision for the city centre.”
Cllr Brown added: “A redesigned Academy Street will support positive behavioural change towards more sustainable travel and therefore make a positive contribution to reducing Highland’s carbon footprint and support the Council’s response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency.”
Officers will now progress with an application to the Scottish Government to take forward technical design and construction - subject to stakeholder engagement, statutory consultation and Traffic Regulation Order processes. The council will continue to liaise with businesses and other users of the city centre to ensure that the technical design and construction proceeds on a fully informed basis.