JR Group donates vital supplies to aid Ukraine families for Christmas

The JR Group has reached out to Ukrainian citizens who are currently living on a cruise ship in Govan after fleeing war to provide them with vital supplies supporting them this festive season.
The building and construction business, whose Paisley head office is close to where the cruise ship holding up to 1,700 Ukrainian refugees is docked, has donated clothing, bedding, towels, shoes, and a variety of other vital items to the ship as part of the Ukraine Appeal.
The staff have also collected Christmas decorations and Christmas trees to help families aboard have as much of a feeling of festivity as possible.
The JR Group team have also donated a sleigh full of gifts for all children on the ship to open on Christmas Day, providing a range of toys, toiletries, pyjamas, books and selection boxes so Christmas is still possible in any way possible for young people forced from their homes.
John Horne, managing director at JR Group, said: “We’re delighted to be able to donate these items to help those who find themselves living in very difficult circumstances this Christmas and would like to thank our partners and suppliers to have also contributed to the bumper haul that made its way onboard.
“We’re proud to pay our part to ensure as many of the Ukrainian children living in Scotland this year receive a treat on Christmas Day, that so many take for granted.
“As an inclusive employer, we’re also offering any of those on board who are looking for potential employment an opportunity to share their skills and expertise with our team at The JR Group as well.”