JR Group takes steps to fundraise at Glasgow Kiltwalk

Team members from construction firm The JR Group put their best foot forward over 22 miles to raise money for mental health charity The Lighthouse Club.
Eleven members of the team put on their best rambling shoes to take part in the Glasgow Kiltwalk to raise £3570.
The Kiltwalk, a mass participation walking event that has been raising funds for Scottish charities and projects since 2016, has raised £29 million for more than 2,600 charities.
Gary McGregor, managing director of The JR Group, said: “Our team is very enthusiastic about fundraising for charity, and I am so grateful for every member of our JR Ramblers who put in the time and effort to train and participate in the Kiltwalk once again.
“The incredible amount raised, makes it all worthwhile and we hope it goes a long way to help the work that The Lighthouse Club carry out to support the emotional and physical wellbeing of workers in the construction industry. We would like to thank all the team, family, friends, suppliers, sub-contractors and partners for their incredibly generous donations.”