Just A Minute with Grant Tod

The latest participant in our Just a Minute feature is QS Advisor Limited founder and Bstructured co-founder Grant Tod.

Just A Minute with Grant Tod

Grant Tod

Name: Grant Tod

Position: Founder QS Advisor Limited & co-founder Bstructured 

Which newsletters/ bulletins do you receive? Scottish Construction Now, Construction Enquirer, CIOB

How did you get started in the industry? Went to uni studied construction management and then got first job as an assistant QS

Biggest professional achievement: Getting FCIOB status

Best advice you received: Everyday is a school day / treat everyone the way you expect to be treated

What is the most important part of the industry? Communication & respecting each other – creating a collaborative working environment

What do you like most about your job? Helping subcontractors get the results they need and assist in getting them out of a problem issue/site

And the least? Individuals that just go out of their way to subbie bash

What you would most like to change in construction? Subcontractors getting paid for what they are rightfully due

How is your organisation preparing for Brexit? We work in the UK only, so no direct issue

How would you change Scottish Construction Now? Nothing. What an invaluable resource.

Do you read a daily newspaper? No

Which social media sites do you use and which do you find the most useful? LinkedIn for business and Instagram for personal interests

Hobbies and interests: keep fit, cycling, spending time with my daughters & wife

Favourite holiday destination: Ibiza

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