Just a Minute with Phil Harris

Phil Harris
Phil Harris from Vert Technologies steps up to participate in our Just a Minute feature.
Name: Phil Harris
Position: CEO at www.vert.co.uk
Which newsletters/ bulletins do you receive? Too many to mention!
How did you get started in the industry? By asking a simple question. Many years ago, as a young executive, I posed a question at a company briefing. The CEO asked me to establish a team to resolve the issue, which resulted in a cost reduction of over £6m in 18 months.
Biggest professional achievement: Being in a position to be able to lead talented teams of people!
Best advice you received: To be aware of the distinct difference between leadership and management.
What is the most important part of the industry? The people in it.
What do you like most about your job? The tremendous variety – on a day to day basis I get involved in the laws of physics and what is and is not possible, to contract negotiations and cashflow. However, undeniably, the most enjoyable element is working with a dedicated, professional, hardworking and enthusiastic team.
And the least? I’m in the lucky position where there isn’t a downside!
What you would most like to change in housing/construction? A greater focus on innovation to reduce the environmental impact of construction.
How would you change Scottish Housing News/ Scottish Construction Now? I’d maintain or increase the focus on innovation in the construction sector.
Do you read a daily newspaper? Financial Times.
Which social media sites do you use and which do you find the most useful? LinkedIn and Instagram.
Hobbies and interests: Running in the hills and woods around Falkirk is a key part of my life. I’m also a keen martial arts participant, having studied Chinese Kung Fu for many years and enjoy cricket and gardening.
Favourite holiday destination: Scotland.
- If you, or a colleague, would like to participate in the feature please contact newsdesk@scottishnews.com.