Kilmac’s Lauren Pratt named vice-chair of Scottish Civils Training Group

Kilmac's Lauren Pratt named vice-chair of Scottish Civils Training Group

Lauren Pratt is hoping to encourage more women to pursue careers in a traditionally male-dominated sector of the economy after being appointed vice-chair of the Scottish Civils Training Group.

The 28-year-old Abertay University Business Management graduate and secretary of the Fife Networking Group, has just marked two years as HR and marketing officer with Tayside civil engineering firm Kilmac.

Lauren is now encouraging school leavers and university graduates to consider careers in the building industry.

“Having served on the committee for the past year, I am delighted to have been invited to step up into the vice-chair role of the Scottish Civils Training Group,” said the former Kirkcaldy High pupil, who spent five years as office manager with a joinery business before taking-up her role with Dundee-based Kilmac.

“Past chairman Alan Kirkwood, of George Leslie, and his successor Adrian Aikman, of Luddon Construction, have been very supportive.

“The group has a wide remit. In addition to promoting innovation in the industry, encouraging best practice and flying the flag for members across the civil engineering sector, we are also encouraging new entrants to the industry and highlighting training and grant support opportunities.

“Traditionally, the construction industry has been regarded as something of a male preserve, but we are seeing more and more women involved, particularly in engineering and quantity surveying roles.

“Hopefully as a woman and the youngest on the training group’s committee, I can bring a fresh perspective to the role and help get the word out.

“The construction industry is definitely changing, and we are particularly keen to get the message over at school and college level.

“We are seeing more and more women being encouraged to pursue careers in the industry.

“In my day-to-day role with Kilmac, I deal with issues like health and safety, training and apprenticeships.

“This new role with the Scottish Civils Training Group is an exciting opportunity for me on a personal level and looking forward to seeing what the future holds for women in engineering.”

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