King’s Stables Road consultation opens
Peveril Securities is on the verge of submitting plans for a mixed use scheme at Edinburgh’s Kings Stables Road.
The plans, which are expected to go in before the end of the month, will involve the creation of new homes, student housing and a hotel on the site of a former stables.
Architects Fletcher Joseph will seek to frame views of the Castle by re-establishing historic building lines whilst creating an active street frontage along King’s Stables Road itself.
Buildings will be arranged around a series of courtyards and closes to enhance permeability with consideration given to the likely future demolition of Argyle House to form part of a wider master plan.
Key changes since the initial application include incorporation of Silk nightclub to the master plan area, enabling a reduction in overall massing and an extension to the central courtyard.
In their consultation document the architects note: “Roof heights and rooflines are created which mediate and respond to the context of tenement scale buildings on West Port, Lady Lawson St, Castle Terrace and the buildings on King’s Stables Road.
“They deliver a varied roofline in keeping with the ad-hoc variety of the Old Town.”