KR Group achieves carbon neutral status

Aberdeenshire steel and cladding company KR Group successfully became ‘carbon neutral’ last month after achieving a balance between the carbon the business emits and the carbon it prevents.
The firm said the achievement was made possible by making fundamental changes within the business to reduce carbon emissions caused by business activity. The remaining carbon is offset via its partnership with Highland Carbon, which manages ‘offsetting projects’ such as forest protection and reforestation, wind farms, solar arrays, hydropower, waste reduction and community schemes.
KR Group added that it is committed to making ethical and sustainable decisions for its business and workplace and that it thinks economically when it comes to waste management and minimising its use of resources company wide.
“Our tiny corner of the earth and its rich biodiversity has seen the effects of the climate change, more and more so each year. It is important to us to slow these effects and to nurture and enrich our eco systems for future generations,” explains Ellen Delph, KR Group’s product development manager.
In early 2022, KR Group founded its sustainability initiative ‘KR Bon Reduction’, a pilot scheme initially dedicated to repurposing cladding waste and diverting it from landfill.
This circular economic solution to cladding waste will see more than 7,700 tonnes of Co2 emissions prevented in the next five years.
The company’s efforts have been recognised on a national level, with KR Group being shortlisted as finalists at both the recent CeeD Awards and FSB Awards in its Sustainability categories.
Nicola Fraser, KR Group business director, said: “We are delighted to be a business making strides with the net zero agenda in construction.”