Latest 260-home phase of Hallhill development to go on show to public
The public are being invited to view latest proposals by Hallhill Developments Limited for a residential and recreational development at Hallhill in Dunbar.
Since commencing in 1999, the Hallhill landholding has delivered around 1,000 houses with approximately 300 currently under development.

The proposed development, known as Hallhill North and allocated in the East Lothian Local Development Plan, will around 260 homes, including affordable housing and an area designated for recreation/sports pitch for community use in close proximity to the primary school. Options for renewable energy provision are being considered for the site.
The homes will include a mix of sizes and tenures.
The site area amounts to 11.7 hectares/28.9 acres and is an extension to the existing allocated site at Hallhill South West, which comprises 525 homes.
The public have been invited to view proposals for housing and the new sports pitch on January 15 from 3pm to 7.30pm at Hallhill Sports Centre. Feedback on the scheme will be invited and consultants will be on hand to answer any questions.
Other elements of the wider Hallhill development include an Asda supermarket, garden centre, hotel and pub/restaurant and McDonald’s restaurant.
Woodland has also been transferred by the developer to the local community woodland trust, with land transferred to East Lothian Council for Dunbar Primary School and for the Healthy Living Centre and sports pitches, as part of previous development phases.
Vehicular access to the Hallhill North site will be taken from the distributor road through the Hallhill South West site. Pedestrian and cycle routes will also be provided to connect the site to other parts of the wider Hallhill development area, and to parts of the town to the north of the rail line.
Economist Tony Mackay produced an economic impact assessment in 2016 which concluded that existing and future Hallhill developments will contribute almost £30 million per annum to the East Lothian economy and will generate over 700 jobs.
The proposals come on top of work starting in June 2018 on fifty affordable rented homes built at Hallhill without any government subsidy in a first for Scotland.
It is anticipated that, should matters go according to plan, a planning application for Hallhill North will be submitted in Spring 2019.
Ken Ross from Hallhill Developments Ltd said: “We are delighted to be bringing forward the latest phase of our exciting development at Hallhill for public consultation. Hallhill North will not only involve much-needed housing, including affordable housing, but will also include provision for a sports pitch for community use.
“We hope as many people as possible from the local community come along to view the proposals and provide us with feedback on these.”