Lesley Anderson becomes new director at Scottish Procurement Alliance

Lesley Anderson
Not-for-profit framework provider Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) has named procurement expert Lesley Anderson as its new interim director.
Forming part of a governance review to support the organisation’s future growth, the change will see current SPA director Clive Feeney step in as interim group director for LHC – the central purchasing body which operates public sector construction frameworks in Scotland through SPA.
Lesley Anderson, who is former head of procurement at SPA and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (FCIPS), has more than 27 years’ experience working in procurement for private and public sector organisations. She will step in as interim director from July 18 for up to 12 months, continuing work to deliver the business plan while managing a turnover of over £250 million and working with a client portfolio of more than 100 contracting authorities across Scotland.
She said: “In the five years I’ve led procurement for SPA I’ve seen the organisation go from strength to strength. In this time, we’ve increased engagement with our supply chain, collaborated with more local and regional SMEs and have increased the delivery of social value through our frameworks – and I look forward to continuing this.
“It’s essential that we also continue the work SPA is currently doing to support our partners through our ‘added value services’ and the local communities across the country, both through rebates and grants via our Community Benefit Fund – and I’ll be growing and continuing our work with partners in this area.”
The wider LHC board comprises four employed, and five non-employed members:
- Peter Quinn – chair
- Mandy Clark – vice chair
- Robert McDowall – client representative
- Nick Abbott – client representative
- Cllr John Bevan – joint committee representative
- Clive Feeney – executive director
- Jennifer Castle – executive director
- Dean Fazackerley – board-level employee representative
- George Stevens – board-level employee representative

Clive Feeney
Clive Feeney’s appointment as LHC interim group director follows Elaine Elkington’s decision to step down as interim managing director on July 15 this year. In post for up to 12 months, he will steer the organisation through its next governance implementation phase.
After joining LHC in 2010 with a remit to raise its profile in the North of England, Clive went on to launch its first regional hub, Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) – now the group’s largest business unit. He also led the acquisition of LHC’s charity organisation Lintel Trust and has pioneered the use of the LHC Community Benefit Fund, which has so far distributed more than £1m back to Scottish communities.
On his appointment, Clive Feeney said: “In the 12 years I have worked with LHC it’s been a pleasure to both watch and be part of its growth, so it feels fitting now to be leading the organisation with the board as we start a new chapter.
“LHC has performed very well this year, despite the adversity created by Covid-19 and other political issues in the UK and worldwide. We are growing, we have strong support from the board, and now is the right time to set out what kind of organisation we want to be going forward. LHC is entering a pivotal new phase in its long history and it’s a very positive step.”
Elaine Elkington, current LHC group interim managing director, said: “It’s been a pleasure to lead LHC, first through the joint committee structure and then setting up the new Board in conjunction with chair Cllr John Bevan. The new board is skilled to lead LHC into a thriving future through the next stage of its implementation plan and will benefit from Clive’s experience of driving business development in the regions.
“Our current governance arrangements have been in place for more than 50 years and while they have served LHC well in the past, the experience and sector knowledge of the new non-executives will enhance our offer to the market and provide a strong client interface with our customers.”
The latest news follows the announcement of Peter Quinn as LHC chair in April and arrives as part of the organisation’s governance refresh. From here, board and senior leadership will continue to develop a set of strategic options for the future.