Link named Scotland’s top developing landlord for second year running

Riverside Dalmarnock
Housing and community organisation Link Group has been named Scotland’s top developing landlord in Inside Housing’s Top 50 Biggest Builders for the second year.
In addition to topping the list of Scotland’s developers, Link is the UK’s 12th biggest builder.
Colin Culross, Link Group commercial director and C~urb managing director, said: “In delivering 1,040 houses and flats, Link completed more homes in 2021/22 than ever before.
“The Scottish Government’s commitment to building more homes and financial support remain a key driver for Link in being Scotland’s biggest builders of affordable homes.
“This commitment is carried forward by C~urb, Link’s latest partner, which we launched in April to deliver a wide range of market facing, sustainability-focused
property development, maintenance and management services.
“We are operating in extremely challenging times, however, Link has many advantages to overcome these. Firstly, I think we have the best people. Our C~urb Property Development team has been instrumental in managing a complex programme through these challenges.”
He added: “Our managers, development officers, clerk of works and supporting admin staff have all been instrumental in delivering this success.
“Creating sustainable communities is more than a strapline for us. It’s a fundamental aim to ensure we address an immediate housing need, which is transformative; providing a positive community legacy, where the diversity of a community provides people with a better chance to sustain it, fulfil their potential and take pride in their neighbourhood.
“Our latest award-winning development at Riverside Dalmarnock is a great example of placemaking and providing the foundation for a positive legacy for the community who want to live there.”