Local MSP Humza Yousaf helps housing association begin building work
Work is now under way on a multi-million pound homes boost for Govan.
CCG (Scotland) Ltd is building over 82 new homes and an office for Elderpark Housing near Govan Cross.
Humza Yousaf gets work under way with the Hills Trust school in the background
The £15 million development will also breathe new life into an iconic former school bequeathed to the Govan community in the 19th Century.
Local MSP and cabinet secretary for justice Humza Yousaf assisted by Baillie John Kane on behalf of Glasgow City Council and Elderpark chairperson Elspeth Millen officially kicked off the work which will transform an area of the community with much-needed housing.
The Mast Architects-designed development of 70 flats and 12 houses is being built at Nethan Street within sight of Govan subway station.
The restoration of the former Hills Trust school is a key part of the work. The school in Golspie Street will be restored as new offices for Elderpark Housing bringing to an end years of dereliction and will give this magnificent building a new lease of life.
The conservation repair of this B-listed building is being part funded by the Govan Cross Townscape Heritage Initiative, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Historic Environment Scotland and Glasgow City Council.
Humza Yusaf MSP said: “I was delighted to see at first hand how this important development will enhance the community with the delivery of new housing. I was also pleased to learn of the wider community regeneration work which Elderpark Housing is undertaking.
“The new housing and former school restoration is a great example of what can be achieved when the Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council and housing providers like Elderpark work together.”
Elderpark chairperson Elspeth Millen said: “This a great step forward for the community. New rented homes are much-needed and Elderpark Housing is delighted to be delivering on our commitment to making this happen.
“We look forward to the transformation of Nethan Street and the restoration of the former school building which has served our community for generations.”
During a tour of the site and Elderpark’s existing offices, Elderpark chief executive Gary Dalziel briefed Humza on the work of the organisation, particularly on its regeneration and community work.
Gary said: “We are very grateful that Humza came along to get work officially under way on our new development. Elderpark Housing shares the vision of the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council to build new homes within our communities.
“This is a sizeable development for Elderpark Housing but when it is completed the new homes will make a real difference to people’s lives.”
CCG director Calum Murray said: “The new homes that will be constructed to the highest standards of quality and environmental performance whilst the iconic school building is set to be transformed into high-specification offices.
“Working with our supply chain partners, CCG will also be delivering a wide range of ‘community benefit initiatives’ including the provision of six new jobs, four apprenticeships and up to 12 work placements.”
Elderpark expects the homes to be ready by summer 2020 and the school to be completed by the end of this year.