Matthew Smith named first operations director at ATS

Matthew Smith named first operations director at ATS

ATS managing director Jason Lister (left) with Matt Smith

Specialist flooring contractor Advanced Traditional Screeding (ATS) has appointed Matthew Smith as its first operations director amid rising demand.

He steps up from his role as operations manager, a position he has held since joining the Fife company nearly two years ago.

Brought in to drive the delivery of the new Energy Screed division and its unique pourable, non-combustible insulation, Smith’s promotion comes after 10 months of significant growth.

“It’s testament to the hard work I have put in since joining the company nearly two years ago and a significant step forward in my career,” said Smith, who is also vice-chairman of the Scotland Region Concrete Society.

“The culture of the business is terrific and the atmosphere in the office allows people to thrive. I’m looking forward to working with the rest of the team and the divisional leads and helping implement our growth strategy in the coming months as we go from strength to strength.

“I’ll still be involved in the high-level projects but the new role will be more strategic, allowing me to oversee things more.”

Headquartered in Rosyth, ATS works with commercial customers across Scotland and the rest of the UK on all aspects of pre-construction and construction flooring installation, with experience of all types of screeds, resins and underfloor heating systems.

It continues to operate as a standalone company within the energystore group following its recent acquisition by the Northern Ireland-based firm. With the diary already crammed for the remainder of the year, demand for its specialised services has never been higher.

Director David Crosby said: “Matt was brought in to manage the Energy Screed division which he has done very successfully and has overseen significant growth in that area of the business.

“We’re looking to broaden his influence on the company and give him the opportunity to apply his skills and strengths in operational management and direction. This will allow us to improve the operational processes and practices of the company, and for customers it is going to mean an even better, more responsive service along with even higher quality installations.

“It has always been the intention of the company to promote from within. The demands we have are now quite different. Being part of a much wider group, the strategy of our ownership means we are not planning to plug the gaps we have now, we are filling holes for the future.”

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