Maxi Construction employees respond to foodbank donation plea

As more and more people are being forced to turn to foodbanks, Maxi Construction employees have responded by delivering over 1200kg of food, the equivalent of 3000 meals, to foodbank distribution centres in Livingston, Edinburgh, Falkirk, Hamilton, Glasgow and Hawick.
This is the firm’s seventh year supporting foodbanks, this year, it visited a selection of Trussell Trust and Salvation Army foodbanks as well as independent community charities such as Start Up Stirling, Edinburgh Community Food, Govan Pantry, Braehead Church, Grangemouth Community Pantry and Riverside Community Pantry.
People using foodbanks for the first time have told staff that the cost of living, fuel and general increases in rent are all hitting their ability to feed themselves and their families.
Maxi Construction said it is grateful to its employees for their generous efforts in helping support those in the local communities that the firm works in.