Maxi to refurbish St John’s House in Edinburgh

Maxi to refurbish St John’s House in Edinburgh

St John's House

Maxi Construction has been awarded a contract from St John Scotland for refurbishment and extension works to St John’s House, a Category C listed building in Edinburgh’s Old Town.

Works include demolition of part of a 1970s extension, underpinning and new extension to provide a lift shaft, alterations to the roof space to create additional office space and internal refurbishment including accessibility improvements throughout the entire building.

John Aitchison, Maxi Construction’s managing director, commented: “We are looking forward to delivering this complex project within a restricted site area, adding to our extensive track record of refurbishing listed and traditional buildings in Edinburgh.”

The project team includes architect and principal designer GLM, structural engineer Elliott and company and mechanical and electrical engineer Irons Foulner.

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