Mearns Primary team up with Mactaggart & Mickel to combat littering

Pupils at Mearns Primary School are campaigning to reduce litter in Newton Mearns with a local litter pick.
With support from housebuilder Mactaggart & Mickel, the pupils have organised a local litter pick, complete with branded high-vis vests.
23 pupils in Primary 3, took to the school playground, car park and planting around Mearns Primary School equipped with litter pickers supplied by the home builders. The group collected over 30 bags of rubbish.
Mrs Harrison-Zdunczyk, Mearns Primary teacher, said: “The class have become very passionate about taking part in a litter pick after learning about the environmental impacts littering can have. Through our innovative curriculum, Mearns Masters, the children have campaigned to reduce litter in our local community and raise awareness of this issue.
“The school have worked with Mactaggart & Mickel on many occasions since they started their Stewart Gardens development across the road from the school and we are delighted they’ve supported our litter picking project by supplying litter picking equipment and high vis vests for the children, teachers and parents to wear, complete with the litter picking logo designed by a pupil our class.
“The class were ecstatic to have collected over 30 bags of litter, and we intend to make this type of activity a regular occurrence in Primary 3.”
Jordana Young, community engagement coordinator for Mactaggart & Mickel, part of the Springfield Group, said: “Looking after the environment is something we carefully consider across each brand within the Springfield Group from design and all the way through construction. We were delighted the pupils at Mearns Primary school shared our enthusiasm and are pleased to have supported their local litter pick.”