Moray Council pushes for fully dualled A96

Moray Council pushes for fully dualled A96

Moray Council has responded to the A96 Corridor Review with a reiteration of its support for full dualling of the route from Inverness to Aberdeen.

Following discussion at a full council meeting on Wednesday 19 January 2025, elected members approved a response to be submitted to the Transport Scotland consultation that runs until 21 February.

In its submission, the local authority stated: “We note that the full dualling of the A96 from Inverness to Aberdeen is the current plan and would like to re-iterate our support for this project which will bring significant journey time savings and safety benefits to those travelling along the route and wider economic benefits to the northeast. There is overwhelming support within the Moray community for the full dualling of the A96 and its associated benefits.”

The response goes on to support the sustainable travel and environmental objectives of the review, but believes these should be in addition to the original plan to fully dual the route and not as a replacement. Moray Council’s full response to the consultation can be viewed here.

Also addressed is the council’s concern around the National Speed Management Review, also currently being carried out by Transport Scotland. This includes proposals to lower the national speed limit on single carriageway roads from 60 mph to 50 mph and to increase speed limits for goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes on single carriageway roads from 40 mph to 50 mph and on dual carriageways from 50 mph to 60 mph. The council points out that given that the majority of the A96 is and would remain single carriageway as part of the draft Corridor Review, there would be an increase in journey times and driver frustration should the reductions be made.

While acknowledging road safety is the priority, it’s not known what the impacts would be on the local and regional economies should the reduction in speed limits be pursued and the full dualling of the A96 not proceed, Moray Council has concerns on these issues.

Council leader, Councillor Kathleen Robertson, said many residents in Moray won’t be content to accept anything less than full dualling: “Moray residents have been mucked about for long enough on this now, it’s time decisions were made. We were told in 2011 there was a commitment to dual the A96 and I appreciate unforeseen events and expenditure crop up, but 14 years later we’re barely any further forward.

“Moray Council has valid concerns that the dangers and frustrations seen on the A96 aren’t being taken seriously enough to validate the choice to dual the full route. Active travel improvements and long-term transport investment, particularly in public transport, should not be seen as the compromise now. They should be considered in tandem with doing what was welcomed well over a decade ago.”

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