Morris & Spottiswood earns place on biggest ever government building framework
Glasgow-headquartered Morris & Spottiswood has secured a place on a UK Government construction works framework worth a total of £30 billion.

Matthew Wall
The contractor, which also has offices in Edinburgh and Perth as well as Leeds and Warrington, has been named as one of just 128 businesses to work on developments from secure government facilities to hospitals, airports, schools and MoD facilities over the next seven years.
The Crown Commercial Services framework is designed to enable a wider range of businesses to undertake government contracts and reduce the time and costs for public sector organisations to procure services individually.
Morris & Spottiswood has been appointed to two lots from the 38 available – one each in the north of England and Scotland, covering a wide range of construction works up to the value of £3 million.
The firm said its prior experience of working on frameworks for the Department for Work and Pensions, Scottish Courts Service and higher education organisations including the University of Glasgow, assisted in demonstrating its capability of delivering projects within the public sector.
Matthew Wall, public sector frameworks manager, said the business had mobilised a team dedicated to the framework at an early stage, which contributed to demonstrating the necessary expertise, knowledge, skills, systems, processes and technology.
He added: “The new framework will provide best value on cost and social value following the inclusion of various SMEs. We are proud to have secured a place on it, demonstrating our strength in both public and private sector delivery, and we look forward to helping a range of organisations deliver their construction projects.”
The framework aims to benefit smaller businesses and ensure fair working practices such as prompt payment and combined training and development programmes.
Although not regarded as an SME, Morris & Spottiswood said it will use locally-based supply chains to deliver framework services, ensuring that any money invested remains within the communities it operates in.
Matthew Wall said securing a place on the framework was a key priority for Morris & Spottiswood as it continues to expand the business in line with its ten-year growth strategy.
Winning a place on the framework will also allow the firm to grow its workforce and make its framework delivery teams stronger through increased delivery of public sector projects.
Matthew Wall added: “Our culture and integrated partnering approach is a strong fit for the values and needs of the new framework. Organisations that work with us praise us for our intelligent, collaborative and engaging approach.
“A big part of this is our commitment to creating extensive and sustainable social value opportunities through our projects having developed a number of initiatives on the Department for Work and Pensions framework.
“Our success in earning a place on the CCS framework demonstrates that we are viewed as a trusted and capable delivery partner in our key regions.
“We look forward to being part of a framework that seeks to continuously innovate, deliver projects more efficiently and deliver service excellence and first-class facilities, actively promoting shared knowledge across our own teams and the wider public sector.”