Muir Homes submits Dalgety Bay development plans

Family-run housebuilder Muir Homes has submitted a planning application to Fife Council to build much needed family homes to add to the development of a thriving community at Dalgety Bay.
About this development:
- Authority:Fife
- Type:Residential
- Applications:
- Team:Muir Homes (developer)
Consent is sought to build 35 high-quality homes on a vacant brownfield plot of land at Fulmar Way with 29 for private sale and nine for affordable rent. The new planning application also includes proposals for an open space play area and new well-lit footpath through the development to the shops and public transport options, and a landscape barrier to mitigate any potential noise.
Muir’s new application follows a voluntary public consultation held in October where views were sought from the local residents near the intended development and the local Community Council.
Around a third of the residents and businesses contacted in the area adjacent to the site responded. The engagement was good with general comments about access, traffic during construction, proposed footpath and open space improvements, and the capacity of local services. The local community did not voice any strong planning objections to the principle of residential development on this site or the proposed access from Fulmar Way.
Nicola McCowan Hill, land and planning manager at Muir Homes, said: “Our community consultation demonstrates that this new planning application is being submitted without any significant planning objections from the local residents. We are protecting greenfield agricultural land by using an available brownfield site to meet an established housing need in the local area. This approach is in line with the national planning guidelines.
“We are also aware that the makeup of local businesses in the area have changed. Industry has been replaced with a high proportion of offices, storage facilities, small businesses and community facilities. The mixed-use nature of the area provides potential jobs and facilities for the potential new residents.”
The development is allocated for housing in the council’s adopted FIFEplan (Fife’s Local Development Plan) and the site is close to transport and amenities to the north of Dalgety Bay.