New car park and development opportunity for Kirkcaldy town centre

Members of Fife Council’s Kirkcaldy’s Area Committee have said that they want to see the Thistle Street and Esplanade multi-storey car parks demolished and a new surface level car park and development opportunity created at Kirkcaldy’s waterfront.
The development site would be adjacent to the former swimming pool site and could be jointly promoted for new housing and commercial units, such as offices or retail, subject to planning permission.
Both multi-storey car parks have been operating significantly below capacity for several years, following a steady decline in demand and like other towns in Fife, parking demand in Kirkcaldy town centre has not returned to pre-Covid-19 levels.
Convener of the Kirkcaldy Area Committee, Councillor Ian Cameron, said: “We are 100% committed to revitalising and regenerating Kirkcaldy town centre but we can’t deny that things are changing. Town centres are evolving. They’re no longer just about retail, they’re diversifying and becoming places people want to live and spend time for leisure purposes and we can’t ignore this. We need to be investment ready to make the most of any and every opportunity that avails itself.
“Parking is a hot topic in most town centres and Kirkcaldy is no different. And from discussions today, and the report, it’s clear that there are a number of issues that need to be considered before a final decision is made. This includes making sure there is enough disabled parking and that the Shopmobility service continues.
“We also need to find out from locals what they think, although my although my understanding is that the widely held view is that these buildings are a blight on the Waterfront. Let’s make the most of this prime location.”
A full business case will be needed before a final decision with what happens to the two multi-storey car parks and potential development opportunity is taken at a future council cabinet meeting.