New Chapter architects unveil five-point plan to reform RIAS
A group of Scottish architects have launched their five-point plan for the reform of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS).
Presented today by A New Chapter, an independent association of around 150 Scottish architects formed to galvanise support for “a new progressive future” for the RIAS, Reform and Action aims to transform the membership body, support architects and champion architecture across Scotland.
Last year the group launched an unprecedented attack on the RIAS, raising concerns at what they said was “a lack of effectiveness, poor governance and insufficient financial accountability in Scottish architecture’s professional body”.
The five-point plan to reform the RIAS includes:
Unity and Support
Collaboration and Transparency
Excellence and Learning
Federalism and Internationalism
Governance and Best Practice
Neil Baxter left his position as secretary and treasurer of the RIAS just days after A New Chapter demanded a major shake-up of the organisation.
Then, in December, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) began a formal investigation into the 101-year-old body after being alerted to serious concerns about the way the organisation is governed.
Police Scotland confirmed it is making its own enquiries into allegations of financial irregularities at the organisation later in the month.