New charges for Stirling planning applications

Stirling Council is introducing new charges for several services related to planning applications.
From Monday 5 June 2023, requesting a minor variation to existing planning consent (known as a non-material variation) will cost £200, while a £100 fee will be required for written compliance or discharge of a condition imposed when planning permission is granted.
There will also be a 25 per cent surcharge on top of the statutory fee for retrospective applications.
All the changes, including any exemptions, will be added to the Stirling Council website. Additional communication on how the new processes will work is to be issued prior to the charges coming into effect.
Council officers undertook a benchmarking exercise with other Scottish planning authorities before proposing the new discretionary fees. It found that 21 authorities and Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park had introduced at least one of the charges.
The changes were approved at a meeting of Council last Thursday and follow new legislation that came into force in April 2022 that formalised what planning authorities can now charge for specific services.
Stirling Council leader, Cllr Chris Kane said: “Charging for these discretionary services brings Stirling Council into line with most other Scottish planning authorities including those in neighbouring areas.
“It’s important that we now raise awareness of the changes to residents, businesses and other relevant organisations so they aware of the new fees, where they will apply and when they come into effect.”