New community hub and library officially opens in Monifieth

New community hub and library officially opens in Monifieth

A building which will house the Monifieth Community Hub and Library was officially opened at the weekend by the trustee members of the Monifieth Community Resource Group (MCRG).

MCRG, a registered autonomous SCIO, started life as a subgroup of the Monifieth Community Council and soon acquired a condemned portakabin to rent from Angus Council. The Cabin was transformed in 2012 to become an embryonic community centre run by MCRG. The group held a number of fundraising community activities over the years including pub quizzes, craft fairs, bingo nights, food fests etc., as well as providing a much needed space for many different groups and activities.

After almost 15 years MCRG has now delivered on its mission to provide a £2.3 million community resource for the 8,000 plus residents of Monifieth as it officially opens the new community facility.

The Monifieth Activity Centre includes a 300-seat multi-use hall which can be divided up into smaller spaces for simultaneous use, a café, plus a fitness suite. It will also house the Monifieth Library and ACCESS office which will be delivered by ANGUSalive, the ALEO which delivers culture, leisure and sporting facilities for Angus Council. It will also feature superfast wi-fi, baby changing, disabled toilet and a changing places toilet.

The new centre, which is wholly owned by MCRG, is located adjacent to the Blue Seaway children’s play park by the beachfront on land rented on a nominal long-term rent from Angus Council, just six minutes from the main town centre.

Chair of the group Ms Jean Lee said: “Today is such a momentous occasion for us as it’s the realisation of a huge amount of work by a comparatively small group of dedicated and determined people. For far too long Monifieth was sadly missing a community facility, somewhere where we could host classes and services that are available in other towns in Angus.

“Our mission has been to build a stronger community and work to address disadvantage, inequality, and social isolation. The MAC, which is green aware with environmentally friendly heating and power sources, will provide services for people who currently have to travel to nearby, and not so nearby, facilities. Lots of people spend a lot of time travelling to these other providers. A waste of time and at a cost to individuals and to the planet.

“Credit must also be given to our professional team at AIM Design who have shared all the bumpy steps on the road that has finally led to this fabulous building.”

Funding for this ambitious community project has been provided from a variety of sources including the UK Government Shared Prosperity Funding, Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Fund, Angus Council, some developer contributions obtained via the planning process, as well as generous awards from private funders.

Alex Norris, UK government Minister for Local Growth, said: “We want everyone to feel a sense of pride in where they come from, and the opening of Monifieth’s Community Hub and library will help to do just that.

“We know how important it is local people have access to vital services, and this new hub will provide a place for culture, learning, health and wellbeing and I look forward to seeing the positive impact it makes.”

Scottish Government’s investment minister, Tom Arthur, said: “This hub shows what can be achieved when a community comes together to meet the needs and aspirations of local people. I commend the hard work and dedication that has gone into providing this facility which will serve Monifieth for many years to come.

“Since 2021, local government has received more than £178m of funding from the Scottish Government’s Place Based Investment Programme, with a further £19.7m delivered through the low carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme.

“Our ambitions for regeneration are all about repurposing vacant or derelict land, supporting community asset ownership, and improving local services - and this project combines all three.”

Angus Council’s newly appointed leader, Cllr Bill Duff, said: “This group has been absolutely inspirational, and we have been more than happy to support them in financial and practical terms to build this facility.

“This kind of community-led initiative which can also be used to support other local services such as the Library and ACCESS office is a model that we can fully embrace as local people know best what they need.”

While the building is complete, the fit-out continues. The building is expected to be fully operational by mid to late October although the opening afforded people the opportunity to have a look inside and think about how best to use their new space.

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