New council housing bid for Arbroath site

Angus Council has put forward plans for 21 new council houses on the site of razed blocks of Arbroath flats.
The local authority said the Fraser Path site will become a high-quality development of flats and cottages, including sought-after one-bedroom homes.
The submitted plans state that the site previously accommodated three large blocks of flats four storeys in height, with an unpopular design.
The planning submission added: “Families, single people and elderly households were all housed within blocks which have a lack of defined private space and poor quality environmentals, such as shared deck access, communal refuse areas and low quality amenity open space.”
“These flats due to age and character were no longer required and have been cleared from the site,” the council said.
The 21 new homes will consist of eight one-bed garden flats; eight one-bed first floor flats; one two-bed detached/terraced house; two three-bed semi-detached/ terrace houses; one three-bed cottage with rooms in roof; and one four-bed cottage with rooms in roof.
“The removal of these four-storey elements and their replacement with 1.5-storey housing/flats will greatly reduce the feeling of overlooking that the older blocks instilled,” the design statement adds.
“This space is purposefully of a smaller, more intimate domestic scale to create a sense of privacy and belonging.”
The development will have three open space areas.