New homes for Inverness city centre under way
Morrison Construction has begun work on a new housing development for the Highland Council and Highland Housing Alliance in the heart of Inverness.

Once successfully delivered, the Wyvern House development at 79 Academy Street will boast 37 new one and two bedroom flats for rent along with commercial units bringing the site back to life.
Currently the focus for works is the creation of foundations for a tower crane at the centre of the site, which is crucial to the delivery of the development.
The team on site is also undertaking concrete works for the main foundations in preparation for the sub structure works.
Wyvern House is planned to be delivered in summer 2020.
Donald Mclachlan, Morrison Construction’s managing director of building Highland, said: “The beginning of works is an exciting time for any project and we are pleased with the good progress on the foundation works during these early stages.
“We are proud to be delivering this important development in the centre of Inverness that will rejuvenate an unused site, providing affordable homes and business space for the community.
“Our experienced team and trusted supply chain look forward to working together with The Highland Council and the Highland Housing Alliance.”
The Provost of Inverness, Cllr Helen Carmichael, said: “It is great news that work is underway to create the affordable homes for rent and the new ground floor retail units and I look forward to seeing the transformation of this prominent city centre site over the coming months. As well as creating quality new homes it is about bringing investment, jobs, people and visitors to this part of the city and restoring a sense of place.”
Gail Matheson, chief executive of Highland Housing Alliance, added: “We are very excited at this further development on Academy Street. The homes for HHA will be rented out at mid-market rental rates which will hopefully attract young people and families to either stay, or return to the area.
“The development has benefitted from funding from various sources including Scottish Government and City Region Deal. Our website will provide ongoing updates.”