New-look executive team for Wheatley Group

Hazel Young
Wheatley Group has unveiled a new-look executive team, featuring several new appointments and roles.
Hazel Young has been appointed group director of housing and property management, while Laura Pluck takes up the new position of group director of communities. They join Frank McCafferty, who became group director of assets and repairs recently, having been head of property services at South Lanarkshire Council.
Earlier this month, Wheatley announced Steven Henderson would become its chief executive later this year, succeeding Martin Armstrong, who announced last year he would be stepping down after more than 11 years at the helm.
Two long-serving members of the executive team have taken the opportunity, as Martin prepares to step down, to seek new career opportunities. Olga Clayton served as group director of housing and care for nine years and was formerly head of housing and care at North Ayrshire Council. Tom Barclay joined Wheatley in 2016 as group director of property and development, having been chief executive of Clyde Valley Group in Lanarkshire.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Olga and Tom for their immense contribution over several years and to wish them well going forward,” said Mr Armstrong.
Hazel, who has worked in housing for more than 20 years in England and Scotland, was formerly managing director of two of Wheatley’s social housing subsidiaries, Dunedin Canmore and West Lothian Housing Partnership. She has held several senior management roles since joining the former GHA (now Wheatley Homes Glasgow) in 2008.
She will have strategic responsibility for Wheatley’s five Registered Social Landlords (Wheatley Homes Glasgow, Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership, Dunedin Canmore, West Lothian Housing Partnership and Loretto Housing), as well as its commercial subsidiary Lowther Homes, Scotland’s largest private rent company, overseeing housing and environmental services, as well as community engagement.
Laura, who has more than 20 years’ experience in senior roles in social care, became managing director of Wheatley Care, formed in 2019 by the merger of two of the group’s other subsidiaries, Loretto Care and Barony. She will be responsible for the group’s Customer First Centre, Wheatley 360 (which provides a range of support services) and Wheatley Care.
Wheatley announced this week several other senior appointments. Laura Henderson takes over as managing director of Dunedin Canmore, West Lothian Housing Partnership and Loretto Housing and will be responsible for housing advice, homelessness, customer support and Universal Credit.
Martin Armstrong said: “All progressive, forward-looking organisations embrace change as part of their DNA. I have no doubt this new-look Executive Team, led by Steven and supported by several new appointments to the Leadership Group, will drive Wheatley forward in ‘Making Homes and Lives Better’ for thousands of people across Scotland.
“Wheatley is a large organisation deeply rooted in its communities and leaders across the Group are totally committed to listening to the people we support and ensuring their voice influences, shapes and, ultimately, determines our services and plans for the future.”