New proposals unveiled for Ardrossan Community Campus

Ardrossan Community Campus (Image credit: Adrian Wishart/jmarchitects)
A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) for the new Ardrossan Community Campus has been submitted to North Ayrshire Council.
The new Community Campus at the North Shore site in Ardrossan will be the first part of wider development on the disused former Shell site, transforming the previously industrialised land into a new healthy, environmentally conscious, low-carbon landscape.
The development will provide huge educational benefits for pupils and new facilities for the local community. The school will be for children aged 2 to 18, formed by the merger of Ardrossan Academy and Winton Primary School and Early Years Class. The Campus will also provide community facilities including a library and swimming & leisure facilities.
jmarchitects and the design team including Wallace Whittle, Blyth+Blyth, Hirst Landscape Architects, Carbon Futures, ECD Architects and Faithful+Gould have developed proposals for a new state-of-the-art facility for school pupils, staff and the wider community which also fits with the council’s drive to become net-zero.
Public consultation events will be held within the local area to get feedback on the proposed facilities and design.