New proposals unveiled for former Mount Florida Bowling Club
Developers have returned with fresh plans for the delivery of community facilities and a residential development at the former Mount Florida Bowling Club in Glasgow after the club agreed to sell the site.

Initial proposals designed by jmarchitects were rejected last year
Following the previously turned down planning application and subsequent refusal on appeal in July 2021, Glasgow-based Noah Developments said reconsidered residential proposals are now being developed to better reflect the character and scale of the area together with the proposed retention and upgrading of the clubhouse pavilion as a new and enhanced community facility. Remaining grounds within the site not occupied by the residential development will form landscaped community open space.
The announcement follows ratification by the members, at a Special General Meeting on Sunday 5 December, to agree to sell the site, which has been closed since 2019, to Noah Developments.
Noah and the club have agreed that, subject to planning permission being granted, a financial contribution of £250,000 from the sale proceeds of the site will be made available to a designated community group towards funding the cost of refurbishing the clubhouse and the creation of a community open space.
In addition, the control and management of the community facility and open space will be offered to a community group on a long-term lease at a peppercorn rent.
It is intended to hold a public consultation event with the local community and interested groups to discuss emerging ideas and hear views on how a new community hub and open space provision on the site would be best created and successfully function. This will also be an opportunity to establish interest from any potential groups/organisations in taking control of the community facility and open space.
The release of part of the site for an enabling residential development to fund the creation of a community facility and open space adopts a similar template to recent successful planning approvals for Partickhill Bowling Club, Shawlands Bowling Club and Cathcart Bowling Club.
In these situations, parts of their grounds were sold to allow an enabling residential development to safeguard the future of these Clubs and provide an enhanced community hub function in addition to bowling.
Paul Winocour from Noah Developments said: “We are delighted to have come to an agreement with the Bowling Club on purchasing this site and to be bringing forward these exciting new proposals.
“In accordance with the Reporter’s observations, we have carefully reconsidered the architectural and design details of the residential element so that it better reflects the surrounding character of the area. We are also providing exciting new community facilities with a significant investment in these being made available.
“We look forward to engaging with the local community and community groups on how they would like to see these new community facilities look and operate.”
A spokesperson from the bowling club added: “We are pleased to announce the sale of the site to Noah. The new proposal allows for a limited residential development which in turn funds the creation of an enhanced community facility and retained open space, so establishing a continued community legacy for the future.”