New renal unit planned for Western General Hospital
NHS Lothian has unveiled proposals for a new two storey renal unit within its Western General Hospital site in Edinburgh.
About this development:
- Authority:Edinburgh City
- Type:Healthcare
- Applications:
- Team:HLM Architects (architect)
Initiation plans from HLM Architects show the development will comprise clinical, staff and support accommodation, with associated landscaping.

Pedestrian access will be from the existing Hospital Main Drive, with access to the current car parking & drop off zone, and a secondary entrance to the rear.
In a design statement HLM wrote: “Building on the initial site response, the intent has been to develop an appropriate scaled building which presents itself as a single storey building to Hospital Main Drive.”
The hospital is undergoing a significant programme of refurbishment led by RMF Health – a consortium consisting of Robertson Group and FES.