New retail space opens at Skye’s Old Man of Storr

New retail space opens at Skye's Old Man of Storr

A new retail space delivered by Modular West has opened at the world-famous Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye.

Ionad an Stòir – or The Storr Centre – provides retail space and a multipurpose room which showcases local suppliers and products, with the multipurpose space available for registrar wedding ceremonies, art & music exhibitions, Gaelic events, and community use.

The Ionad an Stòir unit was custom built in Barra by Modular West.

Cllr John Finlayson, the Highland Council’s Isle of Skye and Raasay area committee chair, said: “It’s a momentous time for The Storr project, seeing the Ionad an Stòir open in this remarkable setting. The new building enhances the iconic visitor attraction for both the community and for visitors to Skye.

“This project provides opportunities for local income generation and job creation and will also importantly support the overall management of this iconic site to ensure that it has a sustainable future.

“Community-led innovation is at the heart of this development, whilst being considerate of the environment and our unique heritage and Gaelic culture. Ongoing developments also include the provision of guided walks and weddings and we will continue to work with local artisans and suppliers to help support and promote local businesses.”

Recent developments at the site also include the installation of a staff welfare cabin and electric vehicle (EV) chargers to support sustainable travel and to improve the experience for visitors to The Storr. Toilet and motorhome waste disposal facilities have also been improved and the path network has recently seen extensive improvements.

The project won the Convener’s Award at the council’s recent Staff Recognition Awards for the team’s innovative work and The Storr has been awarded a Traveller’s Choice Award by TripAdvisor.

The Storr project is supported by funding from the Skye & Raasay Ward budget, Islands Infrastructure Fund, Coastal Communities Fund, and the Community Regeneration Fund, with set-up costs of £0.570m for the staff welfare cabin, EV chargers/connections, and Ionad an Stòir.

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