New school for pupils with complex additional support needs

The existing Kear School
A new social, emotional and behavioural needs secondary school for young people is to be built in South Lanarkshire.
The building will replace the existing Kear School and will be based in Stonehouse.
Learners currently attending Kear campus have complex additional support needs that cannot be met with the mainstream school model for varied and individual reasons.
They are identified as requiring Stage 3 interventions (of the Staged Intervention process), that is, they require support from outwith a mainstream school but remain within a council setting.
Council leader Joe Fagan said: “The learners within Kear campus can be identified as some of the most vulnerable within South Lanarkshire.
“The current Kear secondary school building has fundamental limitations in its design, layout and specification in relation to provision of a positive learning environment for vulnerable young people.
“We believe the new Kear School will provide sector leading secondary school provision.
“The new design and build project will provide better facilities to enhance learning opportunities and curriculum choice, much improved external space for mental health and wellbeing and other types of outdoor learning, and a more robust physical environment.”
Funding for 50% of the project will come via a bid to the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) with the remaining funding via developer contributions.
A statutory public consultation will also take place. The current Kear campus will be retained for other educational uses.