North Ayrshire provost champions progress made at Millport Town Hall

North Ayrshire Provost, Anthea Dickson, recently visited Millport Town Hall as phase one of the renovation works near completion.
The project – being spearheaded by Millport Town Hall Charity with support from North Ayrshire Council - makes an important contribution to the delivery of priority actions within the Arran and Cumbrae Local Island Plans, which have been developed alongside our island communities to support economic recovery and the longer-term sustainability of island life.
Provost Dickson said: “It has been fantastic meeting with Angie McCallum, chair of the charity and the volunteers here at Millport Town Hall. They have done an absolutely superb job of breathing new life into the town.
“The ongoing restoration is no mean feat, as the 144-year-old building has come with its challenges, however I have been so impressed by the relentless drive, dedication and commitment that everyone in this project have shown.
“It is very inspiring to see this type of community empowerment in action and it has been a privilege to speak to some of the team behind the most recent developments which include a new accessible entrance, the creation of multi-use flexible spaces which are being used to host a vibrant community events and clubs.
“I applaud the work of everyone involved. This project really is a triumph – one of which the whole community should be so very proud. I look forward to seeing the second phase of the Heritage and Conservation Centre coming to fruition over the coming months.”
Angie McCallum, chair of Millport Town Hall, commented: “It has been a real pleasure to welcome the Provost to Millport Town Hall today. The support we have received from North Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government compounds our belief and knowledge that this community run-project will ensure that Great Cumbrae has increased strength, capacity and infrastructure.
“In the past year, we have seen the new accessible entrance being created and the renovation of the main hall is quite magnificent with light streaming right throughout the building. The exciting basement development is ongoing. The support of our community and volunteers keep us going on this journey and once again, the Trustees would like to thank them.
“Once completed, Millport Town Hall will offer opportunities for more connections and a better sustainable future, for many generations to come. The socio-economic benefits will be available for anyone at any stage and walk of life. No one will be excluded for any reason.”
Councillor Alan Hill, cabinet member for communities and islands, added: “It is heartening to see the pictures of the latest renovations at Millport Town Hall. The progress Angie and the team at Millport Town Hall Charity have made is absolutely incredible.
“Even with the setbacks of the pandemic and challenges of the Cost-of-Living crisis, everyone has persevered. The grit and determination of everyone involved is an inspiration.
“Well done to all, I have no doubt that once the works are complete the town hall is going to make such a massive difference to the residents of Millport.”
Spearheaded by Millport Town Hall Charity with support from North Ayrshire Council, the project secured £1.5 million in Scottish Government funding from the Regeneration Capital Trust Fund (RCTF) in 2021.
The council and North Coast and Cumbraes Locality Partnership then committed £200,000 through the Community Investment Fund (CIF) with a further £15,000 from the North Ayrshire Ventures Trust (NAVT).
At the start of 2022, an additional £364,478 was granted by Scottish Ministers to move progress up a gear as the project was hit with rising costs following the pandemic. Then, in September, an additional £509,000 Ministerial funding for the next phase restoration will help fund the creation of office space and heritage centre, possible men’s shed, a green room and stairs up to the back of the stage and small community garden.
The charity has also raised an impressive £537,710 was raised by the group itself over the last few years, the project is recognised as a locally-led regeneration project.