North Sighthill to be transformed with £35m mixed tenure housing development

North Sighthill Keepmoat 2Enabling work has started for the construction of 316 new homes in North Sighthill after Keepmoat Regeneration finalised contracts with the City of Edinburgh Council.

The development of the derelict site at Calder Road / Broomhouse Road in the south west of the city will see 96 new affordable homes for social rent and 88 affordable homes for mid-market rent for the council as well as a further 132 affordable flats and house marketed directly for sale by Keepmoat Homes.

The Scottish Government’s Help to Buy Scheme will be applicable to first time buyers and existing homeowners, providing help of up to 15% of the purchase price of an affordable new build flat or house.

All 316 energy efficient homes shall be constructed to the latest Scottish Building Regulations, creating an exemplar of urban design and a cohesive, high quality public realm that benefits from well-considered open spaces connecting to Sighthill Park.

During the lifetime of the development project, Keepmoat Regeneration will provide access to certified training for new entrants and candidates facing traditional and historical barriers to employment via an ambitious Community Engagement Plan.

North Sighthill Keepmoat 1An employability & training programme shall deliver a minimum of seven modern apprentices and 24 employability programmes while a structured programme of curricular and extra-curricular support shall be provided for local schools and colleges.

Social enterprises and 3rd sector organisations, community groups, volunteers and charities shall all benefit from development and funding support as well as a programme of access, inclusion and participation in community and public events.

Eamonn McGarvey, regional managing director, said: “Now that North Sighthill has been cleared of low demand high rise flats, our proposals shall create a development that Keepmoat Regeneration and the City of Edinburgh can be proud of.

“This highly important new project is an exemplar of urban regeneration built to high environmental standards. It’s a prime opportunity to showcase exactly how Keepmoat Regeneration is perfectly placed to deliver major mixed use developments that restore civic pride and offer a variety of homes for market sale, as well as private or social rent.

“We are once again delighted to be working with the City of Edinburgh Council and supporting their vision of sustainable housing and neighbourhoods fit for the 21st century.”

North Sighthill Keepmoat 3Housing and economy convener, Councillor Gavin Barrie, said: “North Sighthill is one of the largest new house-building projects in Edinburgh - a key part in the council’s coalition pledge to deliver 20,000 affordable and low cost homes over the next ten years.

“We are very pleased to be working with Keepmoat on this development which is now part of a larger programme already delivering new affordable homes in Leith, Newhaven, Craigmillar, Pennywell, Gracemount and Chesser in one of the most ambitious council-led housebuilding programmes in the UK.”

Work on the new development at North Sighthill is expected to progress over three years.

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