Old Craighall school given planning permission in principle

Planning permission in principle has been granted unanimously for a new Primary School at Old Craighall.
About this development:
- Authority:East Lothian
- Type:Education
- Applications:
In October 2019, permission was granted for a mixed-use development including housing, employment land and the school.
Members of East Lothian Council’s planning committee have now approved the outline plans for the two-storey school building and sports pitches. The school will accommodate 420 pupils and 64 staff, with the nursery accommodating 100 two to five-year-olds. No objections or comments were received in relation to the plans.
Committee members also voted unanimously to approve a new poultry shed at Howden Wood, Gifford, to the east of East Saltoun. The applicant, East Lothian Eggs Ltd, already has three poultry buildings on the farm there and are looking to expand due to the success of their business.
The application approved includes a poultry shed, egg packing facility, feeding silos and car parking. No consultees objected to the application, including SEPA and the council’s Senior Environmental Protection Officer.
Two objections were received and these raised a number of concerns, including potential increased noise, odour and traffic in the area.