Opinions wanted on Lerwick and Scalloway conservation area proposals

Shetland Islands Council is inviting the public to comment on proposals relating to the three conservation areas in the Lerwick Lanes, Lerwick New Town and Scalloway.
The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 states that conservation areas “are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”. Local authorities have a statutory duty to identify and designate such areas.
The Lerwick Lanes Conservation Area was designated in 1975, recognising its waterfront setting, unusual town plan and notable buildings. Scalloway Conservation Area was designated in 1982 in recognition of its harbour setting and buildings worthy of preservation. Lerwick New Town Conservation Area, west of Lerwick Town Centre, and including the mainly residential areas of King Harald Street, St Olaf Street and Burgh Road, was also designated in 1986.
The council, as Planning Authority, previously carried out appraisals of the three conservation areas in 2010. These appraisals aim to identify issues that may threaten the special qualities of these conservation areas, to provide guidance to enhance the areas, and to help inform planning practice and policy.
A recent review has been undertaken to ensure that these three appraisals reflect any changes to the areas, and reflect any changes to planning policy and guidance.
On the whole, the appraisals have found relatively little change in the character and appearance of the conservation areas. However, in all three areas, there has been a noticeable deterioration in the overall maintenance and repair to buildings, as well as a notable increase the use of inappropriate modern details and materials, such as replacement windows and doors.
There are no boundary changes proposed but there are proposals to review the Permitted Development rights, to reflect current legislation and policy. Permitted Development rights include certain building works that might not need planning permission, such as minor extensions, or the construction of fences or walls.
There are also proposals to give consideration to the introduction of Areas of Special Advertising Control to ensure that advertisements are in keeping with the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.
It is also proposed to create guidance on a range of relevant topics, such as the repair and maintenance of traditional buildings; shopfront and advertisement design; and design solutions, including external finishes, information on colours, and the use of paint or limewash finishes.
The public consultation period will run until Thursday 10th April 2025.
The appraisals and further information can be viewed on the council’s website.
There will be public drop-in sessions with details of proposals at:
- Islesburgh Community Centre, Lerwick on Monday 24th March from 2pm to 7pm
- Scalloway Youth Centre on Monday 31st March from 2pm to 7pm.
Anyone who wishes to view and comment on the proposals is welcome to attend. Proposals, taking account of comments expressed, will later be presented in a report to Councillors.
Dennis Leask, chair of the council’s Development Committee, said: “We’re keen to hear from anyone with an interest in the three Conservation Areas in Shetland. The proposals are relevant to residents, as well as businesses and tradespeople who work and provide services in these areas. We want to preserve the character, buildings and appearance of these historic areas for future generations. It’s important that we continue to review our planning policy to help us to do that.”