Outline Business Case agreed for revised Bowling industrial development

Refreshed plans for the transformation of the former Exxon site in Bowling have been given the go-ahead by councillors.

Outline Business Case agreed for revised Bowling industrial development

The £31.4 million project includes a proposal to create a major industrial and commercial development at the site as well as plans for a new road to provide an alternative route in and out of West Dunbartonshire.

At a meeting of West Dunbartonshire Council on Wednesday, elected members approved a refreshed Outline Business Case for the site.

They also agreed plans to increase the council contribution to the development from £3.8m to £4.7m.

The Outline Business Case will now be presented to the Glasgow City Region Chief Executive Group and subsequently to cabinet for approval in February.

If funding is not made available by the City Region, the council will invest an additional £6.1m to the project.

Council officers will now begin negotiations with surrounding landowners regarding the transfer of their land ownership to enable the wider development.

Councillor Iain McLaren, convener of infrastructure, regeneration and economic development, said: “This is a significant step forward in what is likely to be one of the biggest infrastructure improvements in West Dunbartonshire’s history.

“This site is an excellent location for commercial use and with its introduction expected to support up to 690 full-time jobs, this really is a positive decision.

“I look forward to seeing this ambitious project progress.”

Councillor Marie McNair, vice convener of infrastructure, regeneration and economic development, added: “It is an exciting time for West Dunbartonshire, and there is clear appetite for this from businesses. This project will bring about real change for the area, not only by supporting extra jobs but by adding the much-needed alternative road route in and out of the area.”

If the Outline Business Case is approved, a Final Business Case will be prepared detailing site design and analysis.

If the Final Business Case is approved, then infrastructure work will begin on the site.

The proposed development is part of the Glasgow City Region City Deal.

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